Olimpbet Super League. Olga Akopyan, Eduard Akopyan and Lyudmila Bodniyeva left HC CSKA. Oleg Kuleshov is the new head coach of the capital team

09:46, 18 June 2024
HC CSKA announced staff changes.
The head coach Olga Akopyan, her assistant Lyudmila Bodniyeva and the club’s director Eduard Akopyan left HC CSKA.
Oleg Kuleshov, who has been leading HC Dinamo-Sinara until this summer, became the new head coach of the capital team. The three-time Olympic champion Nadezhda Muravyeva will assist him.
Elena Kazakova will replace the general director Eduard Akopyan. According to CSKA web-its, this appointment occurred in the frame of management changes in sports project of the Delo Group.
Photo: HC CSKA press    
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