Olimpbet Super League. Five players of HC CSKA are included in the symbolic team up on the results of the season-2023/24. Oleg Khodkov is considered to be the best coach for the second consecutive time

14:42, 17 June 2024

The Handball Federation of Russia introduced the results of the voting for the best players and coach in the men’s Super League of the 2023/24 season. Coaches of the championship teams, sports journalists and supporters participated in the voting, held by the HFR. The results were approved by the High Council of the HFR.

The majority of the awards went to the national champion HC CSKA. The head coach of the capital team Oleg Khodkov is recognized as the best coach for the second time in a row.
The best players in the men’s Super League-2023/24:
goalkeeper — Vadim Bogdanov (CSKA); 
left wing — Dmitriy Ionov (CSKA);
right wing — Daniil Shishkarev (CSKA);
pivot — Aleksandr Ermakov (Chekhovskie Medvedi);
left back — Yulian Hiryk (CSKA);
right back — Dmitriy Kiselev (Zenit)
central back — Saveliy Shalabanov (SKIF); 
defender — Roman Tsarapkin (CSKA);
opening of the season — Anton Aksyukov (Chekhovskie Medvedi); 
top-scorer — Saveliy Shalabanov (SKIF);
the most valuable player — Daniil Shishkarev (CSKA); 
coach — Oleg Khodkov (CSKA).
Photo: HC CSKA press
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