Olimpbet Super League. 11 women teams will play in the 2024/25 season, HC Universitet participates. 12 men’s clubs will compete, but League’s expansion has been debated

13:32, 17 June 2024
The number of teams participating in the next season of Super League was announced. 
11 teams will play in the women’s championship, HC Universitet Izhevsk, which finished in the last place in the 2023/24 season, doesn’t leave the tournament. HC Ufa-Alisa won the right to play in the elite division but didn’t take the advantage. HC Stavropolye leaves the tournament.  
12 teams remain in the men’s tournament — the winner of the premier league HC Voronezh will take the place of HC Skif Omsk.
The CEO of the HFR Lev Voronin announced at the meeting of the HFR High Council, held in Moscow, that possible expansion of the men’s Super League up to 14 teams was discussed. According to his words, there is a possibility that HC Stavropolye will participate in the coming season in the premier league.
Photo: HC Universitet press 
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