Olimpbet Super League. The line player from HC CSKA Anastasia Illarionova is considered to be the best player in May, according to Handballfast and its readers

14:14, 29 May 2024
Handballfast readers’ voting to determine the best handball player in the women’s Super League in May was completed.
To recall, the winner of the voting in our VK group receives 20% in final counting, the rest 80% are given by the jury, which consist of our authors and experts.
The line player from HC CSKA Anastasia Illarionova is recognized to be the best player of May, according to Handballfast and its readers. She received half of votes in total — 30% from jury and 20% as the winner of readers’ voting. The left back from HC CSKA Elena Mikhaylichenko got 40% of votes, 10% — Valeria Kirdyasheva from HC Rostov-Don.
The left back of HC Kuban Anastasia Shavman and the goalkeeper of HC Astrakhanochka Anastasia Ryabtseva also claims the title of the best handball player.
Photo: vk.com/handballfast
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