Olimpbet Super League. Anna Vereshchak and Varvara Semina will continue career in HC CSKA, according to HC Dinamo-Sinara. Marina Sudakova made a pause

19:31, 28 May 2024
HC Dinamo-Sinara announced the transfer of two players to HC CSKA.
According to the press-service of the Volgograd club announcement, the goalkeeper Anna Vereshchak and the left back Varvara Semina will move to the capital.
 — I’m leaving Dinamo-Sinara like a family. I’ve been playing here twelve years. I’m together with several girls since childhood. And I’m leaving for at least two years. The moving scares me, because I’ve live here my whole life. The past season? In my opinion, the third place of the Russian Cup relaxed us a little. And it shouldn’t be allowed. Besides, we are very exhausted. All our efforts were put in the medal, — Vereshchak said. 
The tight back Marina Sudakova said, that she takes a break in the career.
 — I decided to make a pause. I have plenty of problems, that should be solved. I don’t like being depended. I want to pay more attention to my child. I have no plans yet. I’m in contact with Stella Iosifovna Vartanyan. If something changes or I would like to return earlier, I know I am always welcome here, — the Olimpic champion said.
Photo: HC Dinamo-Sinara press          


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