Olimpbet Super League. Aleksey Gumyanov: "Sergey Shishkarev asked to play nice. One of the main tasks for the season was to make handball popular in the city"

18:39, 28 May 2024
The head coach of HC Chernomorochka Aleksey Gumyanov summarized the results of the season in the interview to the club’s press service.
 — In the beginning, when we just gathered the team, it was hard to believe in such a result of the season, to be honest. When we started to work and play, the understanding that everything is in our hands and we are capable of serious result, steadily grew. Sergey Nikolaevich Shishkarev initiated the creation of the club, and during our meeting before the season, he asked to show a beautiful game, such a game, that people would love handball in the city and the supporters would enjoy the performance of the team. That is why to popularize handball in Novorossiysk was almost the main task for the season.
 — When did you feel confidence that this team is able?!
 — Probably, it is hard to believe in it, but during the ore-season tournament Legends of South in Krasnodar, where CSKA, Dinamo-Sinara and Kubn played. This confidence became stronger during the whole season. The players we're motivated for the result, and I often repeated an axiom: you should train like you play, and play like you train. And they played like they trained, so the confidence grew stronger not only with every match, but with every workout, — the head coach said.
Photo: HC Chernomorochka press               




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