Olimpbet Super League. The centre back of HC SKIF Krasnodar Saveliy Shalabanov became the top-scorer of the season for the second consecutive time

18:15, 28 May 2024
The Russian championship season finished.
The centre back of HC SKIF Saveliy Shalabanov became the top-scorer of the tournament, 184 goals in 28 matches are on his account (6,6 goals on average per game). Danila Ivanov from HC Kaustik placed second, the pivot of HC Zenit Oleg Lunya closed top-3.
Saveliy became the top-scorer of the national championship for the second consecutive time, last season he excelled with 148 goals in 26 matches.
Top-scorers of Super League-2023/24:
Saveliy Shalabanov (SKIF) — 184 goals / 28 matches
Danila Ivanov (Kaustik) — 181 / 28
Oleg Lunya (Zenit) — 171 / 29
Dmitriy Kiselev (Zenit) — 148 / 27
Nikita Larin (Kaustik) — 145 / 28
Denis Afonin (Permskie Medvedi) — 140 / 28
Photo: HC SKIF press 
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