Olimpbet Super League. HC Zenit beat HC Permskie Medvedi in the third match of the final series and won bronze medals of the men’s championship

14:49, 26 May 2024
The bronze medalist of the men’s championship of Russia was defined on Sunday.
HC Zenit beat HC Permskue Medvedi on its home court and won the series for the third place with a score of 2:1. The right back of HC Zenit Dmitriy Kiselev scored 11 goals and became the top-scorer of the meeting. In the guests, 8 accurate throws are on account of both Ilya Ryabov and Denis Afonin
At the end of the first half Victor Zaytsev from HC Zenit received a direct red card.
26 May
The third match for the third place
Zenit — Permskie Medvedi — 41:34 (20:16) (Kiselev — 11, Lunya — 8; Ryabov, Afonin — 8 each)
The score in the series — 2:1
Photo: vk.com/handballclubzenit 
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