Olimpbet Super League. The Chairman of the HFR High Council Sergey Shishkarev about the victory of HC CSKA in the final series: "It’s unexpected, but logical"

12:48, 20 May 2024
Match TV prepared a story about CSKA victory in the second match of the Super League final series.
 — It was unexpected, but logical. The final worked out, thanks to the supporters from Chekhov. I call Chekhov the capital of Russian handball. Vladimir Salmanovich Maksimov, who has done a lot for the men’s handball, is working here. Of course, it hurts to lose, on the other hand, something needs to change. I’m happy for the guys from CSKA, — the chairman of the HFR High Council Sergey Shishkarev said.
Photo: HC CSKA press              
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