Olimpbet Super League. The series for the seventh place finished in Snezhinsk, both matches ended in a draw. HC Dinamo Astrakhan is the winner

16:37, 19 May 2024
Dinamo and Dinamo-Sungul didn’t reveal the strongest again in the second match of the series for the seventh place.
Both matches finished in a draw. HC Dinamo Astrakhan won due to the larger number of scored goals in away match. Svyatoslav Krivich became the most resultative player of the hosts, while Dmitriy Shelestyukov was the top-scorer of the guests.
19 May
The second match for the 7th place
Dinamo-Sungul — Dinamo — 30:30 (15:14) (Krivich — 7, Kutepov — 6; Shelestyukov — 9)
The first match — 28:28
Photo: HC Dinamo-Astrakhan press      
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