Olimpbet Super League. HC SGAU-Saratov beat HC Skif Omsk in the final match of the consolation tournament for the 9th-12th places

19:00, 16 May 2024
The final match of the consolation tournament for the 9th-12th places finished.
HC SGAU-Saratov was stronger than HC Skif Omsk on its home court in a resultative match and finished eleventh. In the winners, Ivan Nanov and Danila Sazonov scored 8 goals each.
Denis Kaftin’s team and HC Akbuzat will hold test matches for the right to play in the men’s Super League with the representatives of Major League. HC SGAU-Saratov will face HC Zilant, HC Akbuzat Ufa will compete with Moscow Sports School of Olympic Reserve N2—Academia.
16 May
The matches for the 9th-12th places
SGAU-Saratov — Skif — 40:26 (20:18) (Sazonov, Nanov — 8 each, Musaev — 6; Valevich, Gramyko — 7, Poltavsky, Stepanov — 6 each)
Akbuzat — Kaustik — 33:34 (16:13) (Lukyantsev — 8, Nasibullin — 6; D.Ivanov — 10, Koltsov — 8, Larin — 6)
Final tournament standings (after 28 matches). 9. Kaustik — 22 points. 10. Akbuzat — 19. 11. SGAU-Saratov — 18. 12. Skif — 5.
Photo: HC SGAU-Saratov press  



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