Olimpbet Super League. HC Luch beat HC Stavropolye on its home court in the consolation tournament for the 9th-12th place

20:59, 15 May 2024
One match was held in the women’s championship of Russia in the consolation tournament foe the 9th-12th places on Wednesday.
HC Luch was losing 5 balls after the first half, but managed to win a strong-willed home victory over HC Stavropolye. Roman Lyashenko’s team celebrated the fourth consecutive victory.
Zlata Fedosova and Anastasia Zotina became the top-scorers of the match with 10 goals.
15 May
The 9th-12th places
Luch — Stavropolye — 33:31 (12:17) (Fedosova — 10, Chernyaeva — 6, Sheina, Krupennikova — 5 each; Zotina — 10, Lyzhina — 7)
Tournament standings. 9. Stavropolye — 27 points (37 matches). 10. AGU-Adyif — 20 (36). 11. Luch — 18 (37). 12. Universitet — 4 (36)
Photo: HC Luch press 
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