Olimpbet Super League. HC Victor Stavropol achieved a confident away victory over HC SKIF Krasnodar in the first match for the 5th place

17:40, 14 May 2024
HC Victor won in the first match in the series for the fifth place.
The club from Stavropol was stronger than HC SKIF Krasnodar with an advantage of eight goals. The performance of the goalkeeper of the winners Anton Zabolotsky is worth mentioning, he reflected 17 throws out of 31 (54%).
14 May
The first match for the fifth place
SKIF — Victor — 21:29 (15:16) (Bidanok, Dolinin — 5 each; Pasenov — 10)
The return match — 20 May
Photo: vk.com/skifkrasnodar 
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