Olimpbet Super League. HC Lada Togliatti won in a home match with HC Dinamo-Sinara and will compete with HC Kuban for the fifth place

17:28, 12 May 2024
Clubs Lada and Kuban will play in the match for the fifth place. 
HC Lada managed to win in return match with HC Dinamo-Sinara on its home court after the draw in the first match in Volgograd. Now Lada Togliatti will face HC Kuban in the match for the fifth place. Olga Fomina and Veronica Nikitina scored five goals each and became the most resultative players in today’s meeting.
12 May
The match for the 5th-8th places
Return match
Lada — Dinamo-Sinara — 23:20 (12:9) (Fomina, V.Nikitina — 5 each; Semina — 5)
The first match — 25:25
Photo: HC Lada press 
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