Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don beat HC Chernomorochka at home and reached the final, where it will face HC CSKA. Valeria Kirdyasheva scored 10 goals

15:50, 12 May 2024
The match in Rostov-on-Don finished with a confident victory of the hosting club.
HC Rostov-Don was stronger with an advantage of four balls in the first meeting and won in the home match with a ten-goal difference. Valeria Kirdyasheva scored ten goals and became the most resultative player of the winners.
12 May
1/2 finals. The return match
Rostov-Don — Chernomorochka — 35:28 (20:14) (Kirdyasheva — 10; Nikitina — 8)
The first match — 33:29
Photo: HC Rostov-Don press   



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