Olimpbet Super League. HC Kuban Krasnodar coped with HC Zvezda Zvenigorod and will compete for the fifth place

18:05, 11 May 2024
The match between Kuban and Zvezda was held on Saturday in the consolation tournament for the 5th-8th places.
The team from Krasnodar achieved success with an advantage of three balls. The performance of the goalkeeper of the guests Yulia Dolgikh is worth mentioning. She reflected 44% of throws (8 out of 18).
11 May
5th-8th places. The return match
Kuban — Zvezda — 32:29 (15:14) (Ovchinnikova, Shavman — 6 each; Egorova — 9)
The first match — 35:28
Photo: vk.com/whckuban
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