Olimpbet Super League. HC Kuban beat HC Dinamo-Sinara with a minimal difference and asserted itself in top-6. HC Zvezda was stronger than HC Stavropolye

20:40, 11 January 2024
Two meetings were held in the preliminary stage of the women’s championship of Russia on Thursday.
HC Kuban beat HC Dinamo-Sinara, the only competitor for the 6th place in a tough struggle on its home court — 23:22. In the winners Anastasiya Shavman and Viktoria Zhilinskayte together scored 70% of the team’s goals. 
In another match of the game day HC Zvezda proved to be stronger than HC Stavropolye — 35:30.
11 January
Kuban — Dinamo-Sinara — 23:22 (12:13) (Shavman — 11, V.Zhilinkayte — 5; Semina — 8, Dolmatova — 5)
Zvezda — Stavropolye — 35:30 (19:15) (Gerasimova — 6, Korkina, Penzeva, Egorova, Vertushkova — 4 each; Lyzhina — 7, Kashirina — 6)
Tournament standings (after 20 tours). 1. Rostov-Don — 38. 2. CSKA — 35. 3. Astrakhanochka — 31. 4. Lada — 29. 5. Chernomorochka — 28. 6. Kuban — 23. 7. Dinamo-Sinara — 17. 8. Zvezda — 14. 9. Stavropolye — 10. 10. AGU-Adyif — 8. 11. Luch — 6. 12. Universitet — 1.
Photo: HC Kuban press     
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