Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don confidently won in the only match of the game day with HC Chernomorochka. Ekaterina Zelenkova scored 9 goals

20:27, 9 January 2024
The first match of the 20th tour in the women's Super League was held on Tuesday.
The tournament's leader HC Rostov-Don confidently coped with HC Chernomorochka. Alexey Gumyanov’s team was defeated for the second consecutive time. 
In the hosts 9 goals were scored by the right back Ekaterina Zelenkova. The goalkeeper of the winners Anastasiya Kazmenko made 12 saves.
9 January
Rostov-Don — Chernomorochka — 37:23 (19:11) (Zelenkova — 9, Kozhokar — 5, Kirdyasheva — 4; N.Nikitina — 6, Nefedova, E.Smirnova — 3 each)
Tournament standings. 1. Rostov-Don — 38 points (20 matches). 2. CSKA — 33 (19). 3. Astrakhanochka — 29 (19). 4. Chernomorochka — 28 (20). 5. Lada — 27 (19). 6. Kuban — 21 (19). 7. Dinamo-Sinara — 17 (19). 8. Zvezda — 12 (19). 9. Stavropolye — 10 (19). 10. AGU-Adyif — 8 (19). 11. Luch — 6 (19). 12. Universitet — 1 (19).
Photo: HC Rostov-Don press  
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