Olimpbet Super League. Belarusian left back from HC CSKA Artur Rud is the best handball player of October according to Handballfast and its readers

16:30, 3 November 2023
The voting of Handballfast readers to determine the best player in the men’s Super League in October finished.
To recall, the winner of the voting in our VK group gets 20% on the final counting, the jury of our authors and experts have the rest of 80% of votes.
The left back from HC CSKA Artur Rud is recognized as the best player of October, according to Handballfast and its readers. The majority of respondents voted for him, so the Belarusian player is entitled to 20% and the jury awarded 50% to him. Thus, he received 70%.
The jury entitled the pivot of HC Chekhovskie medvedi Aleksandr Ermakov with 20%. The remaining 10% are on account of HC SKIF playmaker Saveliy Shalabanov. HC CSKA goalkeeper Vadim Bogdanov and the right back from HC Zenit Dmitriy Kiselev also claimed for the title of the best player of September.    
Photo: vk.com/handballfast
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