Olimpbet Super League. The line player of HC Astrakhanochka Irina Shinkaruk is recognized as the best handball player of October according to Handballfast and its readers

21:00, 2 November 2023
The voting in Handballfast VK group to determine the best player in the women’s Super League in October finished.
According to Handballfast readers, authors and experts, the pivot from HC Astrakhanochka Irina Shinkaruk became is the most valuable player of the month. She won in the reader’s voting and also received 20% from jury.
The left back from HC Chernomorochka Natalia Nikitina and her position colleagues from CSKA and Lada Elena Mikhaylichenko and Alina Kishko received 20% from jury. And the rest of 10% are on the account of the left back from HC Kuban Victoria Zhilinskayte
Irina set her own record in Super League, having scored 11 balls in the match with HC Rostov-Don, that allowed her team to win an unexpected victory. She scored 32 goals in five matches and became the first goal-scorer among pivots in Super League.

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