Olimpbet Super League. HC SKIF Krasnodar proved to be stronger than HC Skif Omsk. 22 saves and 43% of reliability are on account of Aleksey Krikunov

20:25, 30 October 2023
The only match of the game day in the Super League finished.
HC SKIF Krasnodar proved to be stronger than HC Skif Omsk in a home match. The goalkeeper of the hosts Aleksey Krikunov made 22 saves (43% of reliability).
30 October
SKIF (Krasnodar) — Skif (Omsk region) — 37:32 (18:11) (Chan Suan Vet, Dashko — 5 each; Yankovsky — 8, Poltavsky — 5)
Tournament standings (after 7 tours). 1. Chekhovskie medvedi — 14 points. 2. CSKA — 14. 3. Zenit — 10. 4. Permskie medvedi — 10. 5. Victor — 8. 6. SKIF — 8. 7. Dinamo-Sungul — 7. 8. Akbuzat — 4. 9. Skif — 3. 10. SGAU-Saratov — 3. 11. Dinamo — 2. 12. Kaustik — 1.
Photo: HC SKIF press  
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