Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA won in a home match with HC Lada with 74 goals, Kishko and Mikhaylichenko scored 11 balls each. HC Stavropolye beat HC Luch

20:37, 24 October 2023
All the matches of the game day in the women’s Super League are completed.
HC CSKA proved to be stronger than HC Lada in a super-productive match. Each of the left back players from both teams Elena Mikhaylichenko and Alina Kishko scored 11 goals.
HC Stavropolye beat HC Luch at home and caught up with HC Zvezda in the tournament standings. 
24 October
CSKA — Lada — 40:34 (18:18) (Mikhaylichenko — 11, Gorshkova — 8; Kishko — 11, Mokat — 5)
Stavropolye — Luch — 26:22 (13:11) (Sivovalova — 7, Lunina — 4; Makhatadze, Komkova — 5 each)
Astrakhanochka — Rostov-Don — 28:26 (13:13) (Shinkaruk — 10, Sharkova — 6; Kirdyasheva — 6, Kozhokar, Shaposhnikova — 5)
Dinamo-Sinara — Universitet — 28:21 (16:8) (Semina — 6; Shakiryanova — 7, Kondratyuk — 5)
Tournament standings. 1. Rostov-Don — 16 points (9 matches). 2. CSKA — 16 (9). 3. Astrakhanochka — 14 (9). 4. Lada — 14 (9). 5. Chernomorochka — 14 (9). 6. Kuban — 10 (9). 7. AGU-Adyif — 7 (9). 8. Dinamo-Sinara — 7 (9). 9. Zvezda — 4 (8). 10. Stavropolye — 4 (9). 11. Luch — 2 (9). 12. Universitet — 0 (9).
Photo: HC CSKA press    




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