Olimpbet Super League. HC Akbuzat beat HC Kaustik, HC Dinamo-Sungul was stronger than HC Skif despite the score of 0:5 at the begging of the second half

18:02, 9 October 2023
In the men’s Super League the teams, that are considered to be direct competitors for the place under the sun at the start of the season, met on Monday. Handball clubs Akbuzat and Dinamo-Sungul defeated its opponents and recorded important wins in the championship.
HC Kaustik had a two-goal advantage in Ufa, but by the break HC Akbuzat was leading three balls. The left back from the Ufa club Danila Knyazev scored 11 goals, five of them were 7-m penalty throws. 
The story in Snezhinsk was similar. The hosts were 2 goals behind HC Skif Omsk, but had a comfortable advantage of six goals by the break. The intrigue was unexpectedly revived, when at the beginning of the second half HC Dinamo-Sungul was losing an eight-minute episode with a score of 0:5! The hosts caught themselves and brought the match to victory.
9 October
Dinamo-Sungul — Skif — 30:26 (19:13) (Pavelyev — 7, Demakov — 6; Borisov — 7)
Akbuzat — Kaustik — 34:28 (17:14) (Knyazev — 11, Mishin — 6; Palashchenko — 5, Vvedenskiy, Larin, Ivanov — 4 each)
Tournament standings. 1. Chekhovskie medvedi — 10 points (5 matches). 2. CSKA — 10 (5). 3. Permskie medvedi — 8 (5). 4. Zenit — 8 (5). 5. Victor — 6 (5). 6. SKIF — 6 (5). 7. Dinamo-Sungul — 4 (5). 8. Akbuzat — 4 (5). 9. Dinamo — 2 (4). 10. Skif — 2 (5). 11. Kaustik — 0 (5). 12. SGAU-Saratov — 0 (5).
Photo: HC Dinamo-Sungul press        
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