Olimpbet Super League. HC Victor snatched victory from HC Dinamo, HC CSKA beat HC Dinamo-Sungul in the final matches of the 4th tour

20:33, 3 October 2023
Final matches of the 4th tour in the men’s championship of Russia were held on Tuesday. Triarchy remains at the head of the tournament standings.
HC CSKA won its fourth victory in the Super League. The capital team was stronger than HC Dinamo-Sungul this time. The right back from HC CSKA Sergey Ivanov scored 7 goals.  
HC Victor snatched victory from HC Dinamo Astrakhan at the end of the match.
3 October
Victor — Dinamo — 29:26 (13:13) (Nekrasov, Iltinsky — 6 each; Shelestyukov — 8, Uhvarkin — 4)
CSKA — Dinamo-Sungul — 32:26 (14:13) (S.Ivanov — 7, Shishkarev — 5, Belevtsov, Vorobyev — 4 each; Pavelyev — 5, Demakov, Kungurov — 4 each)
Kaustik — Zenit — 27:33 (11:19) (Sobin, Koltsov — 6 each; Chirkov — 6, Vinogradov, Lunya — 5 each)
Permskie medvedi — SGAU-Saratov — 31:28 (17:12) (Kalugin, Kovalev — 4 each; Trofimets — 6, Ovchinnikov — 5)
Tournament standings (after 4 tours). 1. Permskie medvedi — 8. 2. Chekhovskie medvedi — 8. 3. CSKA — 8. 4. Zenit — 6. 5. Victor — 6. 6. SKIF — 4. 7. Akbuzat — 2. 8. Dinamo — 2. 9. Dinamo-Sungul — 2. 10. Skif — 2. 11. Kaustik — 0. 12 SGAU-Saratov — 0.
Photo: HC CSKA press 


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