Olimpbet Super League. In the final match of the game day HC Chekhovskie medvedi were stronger than HC SKIF and continued playing without loss of points

17:55, 1 October 2023
All the matches of the game day in the men’s championship of Russia are completed.
HC Chekhovskie medvedi continues the winning series after the home victory over HC SKIF — 30:28.
1 October
Chekhovskie medvedi — SKIF — 30:28 (17:11) (Kornev — 9, Aksyukov — 4; Shalabanov — 10, Ivannikov, Chan Suan Vet — 4 each)
Skif — Akbuzat — 29:35 (12:16) (Sonchik, Yankovsky — 7 each; Gnoevoy — 9, Mishin — 6)
Tournament standings. 1. Chekhovskie medvedi — 8 points (4 matches). 2. Permskie medvedi — 6 (3). 3. CSKA — 6 (3). 4. Victor — 4 (3). 5. Zenit — 4 (3). 6. SKIF — 4 (4). 7. Dinamo — 2 (3). 8. Skif — 2 (4). 9. Dinamo-Sungul — 2 (3). 10. Akbuzat — 2 (4). 11. Kaustik — 0 (3). 12. SGAU-Saratov — 0 (3).
Photo: HC Chekhovskie medvedi press 


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