Olimpbet Super League. In the final match of the tour HC Victor achieved an away victory over HC SKIF. The club from Krasnodar lost for the first time in the season

20:37, 25 September 2023
In the match of preliminary stage in the men’s championship of Russia in Krasnodar HC SKIF ceded to HC Victor — 27:29.
It’s the first failure in the season for Stepan Sidorchuk’s wards. The hosts carried out only 3 penalties out of 8. The Stavropol team has a better rate — 5 of 7.   
25 September
SKIF — Victor — 27:29 (14:16) (Nikolaenkov — 5, Shalabanov, Chan Suan Vet — 4 each; Iltinskiy — 8, Maksimov — 7, Bolotin — 6)
Tournament standings. 1. Permskie medvedi — 6 points (3 matches). 2. Chekhovskie medvedi — 6 (3). 3. CSKA — 6 (3). 4. Victor — 4 (3). 5. SKIF — 4 (3). 6. Zenit — 4 (3). 7. Dinamo — 2 (3). 8. Skif — 2 (3). 9. Dinamo-Sungul — 2 (3). 10. Kaustik — 0 (3). 11. SGAU-Saratov — 0 (3). 12. Akbuzat — 0 (3).
Photo: HC Victor press 


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