Olimpbet Super League. HC Skif was stronger than HC Kaustik with a four-goal advantage. The club from Omsk won for the first time in the season

15:35, 24 September 2023
The match of the 3rd tour in the men’s championship of Russia finished in Omsk.
HC Skif beat HC Kaustik Volgograd and celebrated the first victory in the season. The beast lost for the third consecutive time.
24 September
Skif — Kaustik — 33:29 (16:13) (Sonchik, Karibov, Yankovsky — 6 each, Kayumov, Valevich — 4 each; D.Ivanov, Koltsov — 6 each, N.Larin, Palashchenko — 5 each)
Dinamo — Zenit — 27:32 (13:16) (Shelestyukov, Drozdov — 5 each, Larin, Krivenko — 4 each; Lunya — 8, Kiselev — 5, A.Arkatov, Vinogradov, Solodovnikov — 4 each)
Tournament standings. 1. Permskie medvedi — 6 points (3 matches). 2. Chekhovskie medvedi — 6 (3). 3. CSKA — 6 (3). 4. SKIF — 4 (2). 5. Zenit — 4 (3). 6. Dinamo-Sungul — 2 (3). 7. Skif — 2 (3). 8. Dinamo — 2 (3). 9. Victor — 2 (2). 10. Kaustik — 0 (3). 11. SGAU- Saratov — 0 (3). 12. Akbuzat — 0 (3).
Photo: HC Skif press 


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