Olimpbet Super League. Dmitriy Kiselev’s 10 goals didn’t help HC Zenit to avoid home defeat from HC SKIF Krasnodar

21:05, 19 September 2023
The final match of the second tour in the men’s championship of Russia was held in Saint-Petersburg.
HC Zenit was defeated by HC SKIF in a resultative match. The team from Krasnodar won a second victory in the tournament. The hosts’ right back Dmitriy Kiselev scored 10 goals. 
19 September
Zenit — SKIF — 33:35 (16:19) (Kiselev — 10, A.Arkatov — 6, Vinogradov — 5, Turaev, Solodovnikov — 4 each; Dashko, Ivannikov, Koryakin — 5 each, Dolinin, Bidanok — 4 each)
Dinamo — Kaustik — 29:19 (14:10) (Klimentyev, Larin — 5 each, Gordeev — 4; Ibrakov — 5, Koltsov — 4)
Tournament standings (after 2 tours). 1. Chekhovskie medvedi — 4 points. 2. Permskie medvedi — 4. 3. CSKA — 4. 4. SKIF — 4. 5. Dinamo-Sungul — 2. 6. Zenit — 2. 7. Dinamo — 2. 8. Victor — 2. 9. Kaustik — 0. 10. Skif — 0. 11. Akbuzat — 0. 12. SGAU-Saratov — 0.
Photo: HC Zenit press 


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