Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA beat HC Skif Omsk in a resultative home match. Yulian Hiryk with his 9 goals became the best goal-scorer of the meeting

21:20, 18 September 2023
In the match of preliminary stage of the men’s championship of Russia HC CSKA beat HC Skif Omsk on the home court — 38:36.
The Belarusian left back from the capital team Yulian Hiryk scored 9 goals and made 6 assists and became the best goal scorer of the match. Among the guests Stepan Sharko realized 8 throws out of 8. 5 assists are on his account as well.
Remarkably, the Omsk team made two losses less than the hosts — 4 mistakes against 6.
18 September
CSKA — Skif — 38:36 (21:20) (Hiryk — 9, Rud — 7, Fokin — 6; Sharko — 7, Poltavsky, Yankovsky — 5 each)
Permskie medvedi — Akbuzat — 36:23 (15:10) (Kalugin — 6; Kovalev, Voronin, Afonin — 5 each; Nasibullin — 6; Trushin — 4)
Tournament standings. 1. Chekhovskie medvedi — 4 points (2 matches). 2. Permskie medvedi — 4 (2). 3. CSKA — 4 (2). 4. Victor — 2 (2). 5. Zenit — 2 (1). 6. SKIF — 2 (1). 7. Dinamo-Sungul — 2 (2). 8. Dinamo — 0 (1). 9. Kaustik — 0 (1). 10. Skif — 0 (2). 11. Akbuzat — 0 (2). 12. SGAU-Saratov — 0 (2).
Photo: HC CSKA press     
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