Olimpbet Super League. Irina Dibirova: «Motivation in moving was that Rostov-Don is the best club of Russia»

17:12, 14 July 2023
The new head coach of HC Rostov-Don Irina Dibirova in an interview on Don-TR told about moving to her hometown.
 — I received an offer from the club’s management. We considered it and made a decision.
My motivation for moving was that Rostov-Don is the best club in Russia, despite the fact that it ceded the title to CSKA. It doesn’t mean anything. I suppose, that the best handball players are in Rostov-Don, many of them are young and talented. It will be interesting to work. It’s a big advance for me to be invited. Probably, it’s an advantage for me that there are no European Cups. We will follow one direction, it should be easier a bit. On the one hand, it’s an advantage, but on the other hand, it’s a drawback, of course, that we are unable to play in Europe, — Irina Dibirova said.
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