Olimpbet Super League. At the start of consolation tournament for the 9-11 places HC Dinamo-Sungul Snezhinsk beat HC Akbuzat Ufa at home

17:57, 27 April 2023
In the only match of the game day Dinamo-Sungul was successful in the meting with HC Akbuzat. 
To recall, since HC Donskie kazaki-UFU was expelled from the tournament, no Super League team is relegated directly to the second rank of the division. But the 10th and the 11th teams will play transition games with the 3rd and the 2nd teams of the Premier League for the right to spend next season in top-division. 
27 April
B group
Dinamo-Sungul — Akbuzat — 30:28 (16:11) (Koval, Demakov — 6 each, Kutepov — 5; Naumuk, Knyazev — 6 each)
Tournament standings. 1. Dinamo-Sungul — 12 points (21 matches). 2. Skif — 6 (20). 3. Akbuzat — 5 (21).
Photo: vk.com/ural_handball


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