Olimpbet Super League. In the only match of Thursday Chinese club Fenix ceded the victory to HC Zvezda Zvenigorod at the end of home meeting

14:32, 12 January 2023

One match of the women’s Russian Championship was held on Thursday.

HC Fenix lost to HC Zvezda with a difference of three balls on Chkalov Arena. Let us note, that the captain of the Chinese team Zhang Haixia, who broke her nose in previous game, was announced for the match, but didn’t play.

12 January

Fenix — Zvezda — 27:30 (15:14) ( Lin Yanqun, Zhou Mengxue — 6 each; N.Nikitina — 7, Gerasimova, Bogdasheva — 5 each)
Tournament standings. 1. CSKA — 42 points (21 matches). 2. Rostov-Don — 34 (21). 3. Astrakhanochka — 33 (20). 4. Lada — 31 (21). 5. Zvezda — 28 (21). 6. Kuban — 22 (20). 7. Dinamo-Sinara — 21 (20). 8. Stavropolye — 16 (21). 9. Universitet — 16 (21). 10. Fenix — 12 (20). 11. AGU-Adyif — 5 (20). 12. Luch — 4 (20). 13. Baltiyskaya zarya — 2 (20).
Photo: vk.com/zvezdahandball
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