Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA defeated HC Baltiyskaya zarya with a difference of 25 balls. Polina Gorshkova scored three goals in the first game upon returning

21:00, 11 January 2023
The last match of the women’s Super League game day finished.
The tournament standings leader didn’t experience any problems with the main outsider HC Baltiyskaya zarya. Polina Gorshkova, who played her first match after returning to the court, scored 3 goals. The goalkeeper of HC CSKA Polina Kaplina reflected 63% of throws.
The win with a 25-goal advantage is equaling the record of the season, set by HC CSKA in the match with HC Luch in November.
11 January
CSKA — Baltiyskaya zarya — 44:19 (20:11) (Shamanovskaya — 7, Ristovska — 5; Sinyavskaya — 5)
Stavropolye — Astrakhanochka — 23:33 (8:19) (Boloba — 6, Belchikova — 4; Romanenko, Demina — 7 each)
Rostov-Don — Dinamo-Sinara — 33:25 (18:12) (Tazhenova — 6, Levsha, Sen — 5 each; Semina — 8)
Lada — AGU-Adyif — 39:32 (20:15) (Mokat, Scherbak — 6 each, Malashenko — 5; Dvortsevaya — 6, Kobzh — 5)
Universitet — Kuban — 23:42 (13:21) (Vakhrusheva — 5; Shavman — 12, V.Zhilinskayte — 7, Bobina — 6, Golets — 5)
Tournament standings. 1. CSKA — 42 points (21 matches). 2. Rostov-Don — 34 (21). 3. Astrakhanochka — 33 (20). 4. Lada — 31 (21). 5. Zvezda — 26 (20). 6. Kuban — 22 (20). 7. Dinamo-Sinara — 21 (20). 8. Stavropolye — 16 (21). 9. Universitet — 16 (21). 10. Fenix — 12 (19). 11. AGU-Adyif — 5 (20). 12. Luch — 4 (20). 13. Baltiyskaya zarya — 2 (20).
Photo: HC CSKA press  


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