Olimpbet Super League. In the only match of the day HC Universitet got a revenge for the defeat in Moscow from HC Fenix and gained a home win

18:34, 10 November 2022
In the match of the women’s Russian championship HC Universitet was stronger than HC Fenix — 31:30.
During the second half the Chinese team caught the competitors up and even got ahead in the score, but the hosts finally managed to win 2 points back. In the first round HC Fenix beat the Izhevsk team with a difference of 2 goals — 28:26.
It’s the last match for Nataliya Derepasko’s wards before the Asian Championship in South Korea. Next time HC Fenix plays in Super League will be an away match in Rostov-on-Don 12, December.    
10 November
Universitet — Fenix — 31:30 (18:15) (Kandakova — 10, Vakhrusheva — 7, Chuzhanova — 6; Li Xiaoqing — 7, Tian Xiuxiu, Jin Mengqing — 5 each)
Tournament standings. 1. CSKA — 18 points (9 matches). 2. Lada — 16 (10). 3. Zvezda — 16 (9). 4. Rostov-Don — 14 (8). 5. Astrakhanochka — 12 (9). 6. Universitet — 10 (11). 7. Dinamo-Sinara — 9 (9). 8. Fenix — 9 (14). 9. Kuban — 8 (9). 10. Stavropolye — 6 (8). 11. Luch — 4 (9). 12. Baltiyskaya zarya — 2 (10). 13. AGU-Adyif — 0 (9).
Photo: HC Universitet press 
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