Olimpbet Super League. HC Lada defeated Chinese Fenix at home. Olga Shcherbak completed two 7-meter throws in the first match upon return

19:29, 7 November 2022
HC Lada was stronger than HC Fenix in the meeting of the women’s championship of Russia in Togliatti — 42:28.
Belarusian couple of HC Lada goalkeepers Yuliya Kuntsevich and Valentina Vaitulevich reflected 42% of throws — 21 saves.
The right back of Togliatti team Olga Shcherbak in the first after surgery match implemented 2 7-meter throws from 3.
7 November
Lada — Fenix — 42:28 (23:15) (Kirdyasheva — 9, Terletskaya, Sisenova — 5 each; Jin Mengqing — 6, Tian Xiuxiu — 4)
Universitet — CSKA — 22:43 (11:21) (Kandakova, Chuzhanova — 5 each; Shcheglova — 7, Baeva — 6, Kulak — 5)
Tournament standings. 1. CSKA — 18 points (9 matches). 2. Lada — 16 (10). 3. Zvezda — 16 (9). 4. Rostov-Don — 14 (8). 5. Astrakhanochka — 12 (9). 6. Dinamo-Sinara — 9 (9). 7. Fenix — 9 (13). 8. Kuban — 8 (9). 9. Universitet — 8 (10). 10. Stavropolye — 6 (8). 11. Luch — 4 (9). 12. Baltiyskaya zarya — 2 (10). 13. AGU-Adyif — 0 (9). 
Live broadcasts of the matches are avaliable on portal handballtv.ru 
Photo: HC Lada press
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