Olimpbet Super League. HC Donskie kazaki-UFU won their first victory in the season, having defeated HC Zenit Saint Petersburg in a home match. Nikolay Sorokin reflected 42% of throws

18:32, 22 October 2022
The final match of men’s Super League game day finished.
HC Donskie kazaki-UFU beat HC Zenit in a home match and got the first victory of the season. The hosts’ goalkeeper Nikolay Sorokin reflected 42% of throws. The Nigerian player from HC Donskie kazaki Ani Obinna became the best goal-scorer of the match, having thrown 8 balls.
22 October
Donskie kazaki-UFU — Zenit — 27:25 (12:11) (Obinna — 8, Zhitnikov — 7; Lunya — 7, P.Arkatov — 5)
Victor — Dinamo-Sungul — 27:26 (10:16) (Bolotin — 6, Iltinsky — 4; Svinin — 6)
SGAU-Saratov — Permskie medvedi — 33:37 (18:19) (Ponomarev — 10, Trofimets — 6; Semenov — 9, Svistunov — 6)
Akbuzat — Chekhovskie medvedi — 30:39 (17:19) (Trushin — 6; Ermakov, K.Kotov — 6 each, Dzemin, A.Kotov — 5 each)
Tournament standings. 1. Victor — 10 points (5 games). 2. Permskie medvedi — 8 (5). 3. Chekhovskie medvedi — 8 (5). 4. CSKA — 6 (4). 5. Zenit — 6 (5). 6. SGAU-Saratov — 6 (5). SKIF — 4 (5). 8. Skif — 4 (5). 9. Dinamo-Sungul — 2 (5). 10. Dinamo — 2 (5). 11. Donskie kazaki-UFU — 2 (5). 12. Akbuzat — 0 (4).
Photo: HC Donskie kazaki-UFU press  
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