Olimpbet Super League. After the equal first half HC SKIF Krasnodar at home defeated HC Skif Omsk in the final match of game day

20:28, 21 October 2022
In the Russian men’s championship meeting in Krasnodar HC SKIF beat the debutants of the season HC Skif — 31:18. 


At the start of the match the team from Omsk was leading with the score 4:1, but later lost the initiative. In the second half the guests managed to throw just 7 balls. 

21 October

SKIF Krasnodar— Skif Omsk — 31:18 (13:11) (Maslennikov — 7, Shalabanov — 6, Mikhailichenko, Chang — 5 each; Poltavsky — 4, Koposov — 3)
Dinamo — CSKA — 29:35 (16:17) (Verein — 5, Gordeev — 6; Shishkarev — 8, Kiselev — 6, Girik — 5)
Tournament standings. 1. Victor — 8 points (4 matches). 2. Chekhovskie medvedi — 6 (4). 3. CSKA — 6 (4). 4. SGAU-Saratov — 6 (4). 5. Zenit — 6 (4). 6. Permskie medvedi — 6 (4). 7. SKIF — 4 (5). 8. Skif 4 (5). 9. Dinamo-Sungul — 2 (4). 10. Dinamo — 2 (5). 11. Akbuzat — 0 (3). 12. Donskie kazaki-UFU — 0 (4).
Photo: HC SKIF press  
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