Olimpbet Super League. HC Permskie medvedi will get a new main court, which will be a multifunctional sports complex Energiya

21:40, 20 October 2022
A multifunctional sports complex Energiya will be the new main court of handball team Permskie medvedi, informs TASS.
The sports complex will be put into operation in 2023, reported the Perm region sports Minister Tatiyana Chesnokova at the Arena forum 6.0 conference on Thursday. At the moment the Perm club holds home matches at the court of Sukharev sports complex universal arena.  
 — Stadium Energiya will become the main court for Permskie medvedi. There will be a permanent home locker room. All the facilities are expected to develop handball. Permskie medvedi will play there as well, — said Chesnokova. 


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