Olimpbet Super league. HC Lada Togliatti reached the first in the season victory, having defeated HC Fenix in away match. Olga Fomina threw 8 balls for half

14:23, 19 September 2022
The only match of the women’s Super league game day is finished.  
HC Lada Togliatti got the first win in the season in Moscow, having defeated HC Fenix — 39:19. The 20-goals difference is a record one in the new season.
The right back Olga Fomina, who missed the first tour meeting with HC Universitet, became the best goal scorer of the match, having thrown 8 balls (half of them from a penalty) already in the first time. The Togliatti team’s goalkeepers Yuliya Kuntsevich and Valentina Voitulevich reflected 45% throws. 
19 September
HC FenixHC Lada — 19:39 (10:18) ( Jin Mengqing, Zhang Haixia— 4 each; Fomina — 8, Kipen — 7, V.Nikiina — 6)

Standings. 1. Zvezda — 4 points (2 games). 2. CSKA — 4 (2). 3. Fenix — 3 (4). 4. Kuban — 2 (2). 5. Rostov-Don — 2 (1). 6. Universitet — 2 (2). 7. Stavropolye — 2 (1). 8. Astrakhanochka — 2 (2). 9. Luch — 2 (2). 10. Lada - 2 (2). 11. Dinamo-Sinara — 1 (2). 12. Baltiyskaya Zarya — 0 (2). 13. AGU-Adyif — 0 (2).

Photo: HC Astrakhanochka press

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