Olimpbet Super league. HC Lada Togliatti reached the first in the season victory, having defeated HC Fenix in away match. Olga Fomina threw 8 balls for half

19 September 2022
The only match of the women’s Super league game day is finished.  
HC Lada Togliatti got the first win in the season in Moscow, having defeated HC Fenix — 39:19. The 20-goals difference is a record one in the new season.
The right back Olga Fomina, who missed the first tour meeting with HC Universitet, became the best goal scorer of the match, having thrown 8 balls (half of them from a penalty) already in the first time. The Togliatti team’s goalkeepers Yuliya Kuntsevich and Valentina Voitulevich reflected 45% throws. 
19 September
HC FenixHC Lada — 19:39 (10:18) ( Jin Mengqing, Zhang Haixia— 4 each; Fomina — 8, Kipen — 7, V.Nikiina — 6)

Standings. 1. Zvezda — 4 points (2 games). 2. CSKA — 4 (2). 3. Fenix — 3 (4). 4. Kuban — 2 (2). 5. Rostov-Don — 2 (1). 6. Universitet — 2 (2). 7. Stavropolye — 2 (1). 8. Astrakhanochka — 2 (2). 9. Luch — 2 (2). 10. Lada - 2 (2). 11. Dinamo-Sinara — 1 (2). 12. Baltiyskaya Zarya — 0 (2). 13. AGU-Adyif — 0 (2).

Photo: HC Astrakhanochka press

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