Sergey Shishkarev: "The HFR is ready to compromise and incur additional expenses in case of necessity to hold matches on neutral sites"

13:37, 20 June 2022
The President of the Russian Handball Federation, Sergey Shishkarev, told about the results of the working trip to the Final Four Champions League in Cologne. 
- We enjoyed a great play performed by all the participants. The atmosphere on the overcrowded stands was fully in line with the great handball fete. Lanxess Arena is one of the best playgrounds in the world, the contract to hold the Final Four on it is extended until 2026 is not by chance. Me and the general secretary Denis Bogomolov were rooting for Kielce and Talant Dujshebaev personally. We believed, he could lead his club to the award. But the dramatical ending and the penalty missed by Talant’s son Alex prevented Kielce from winning… We tried to support Dujshebaevs after the final. It’s a great pleasure to see the continuation of a remarkable handball dynasty at the highest level. I would note that in Kielce line-up Belarusian sportsmen Vladislav Kulesh and Artem Karalek, who was named the most valuable Final Four player by the organizers, played on the leading positions", — said the Head of Russian Handball Federation. 
Also Sergey Shishkarev informed that he held negotiations with world and European handball leaders concerning the participation of Russian teams in international competitions.
- I believe we had meaningful conversations with Hassan Moustafa and Michael Wiederer. Once again we heard the words of support from them. Doctor Moustafa told about his speech at the IOC meeting, where he conveyed a message from the Russian side, which is ready to delegate national teams and clubs to tournaments without a flag or anthem. Again we drew attention to the fact that the level of women’s and men’s competitions inevitably falls in the absence of Russian teams participation. We made an agreement with Hassan Moustafa and Michael Wiederer that the FHR will make another request concerning the return of the Russian teams to the tournaments hosted by IHF and EHF. It is particularly important, as the Olympics will be held in Paris just in two years. We are planning to achieve access of our representatives to an international scene in all world legal authorities. To do it, the FHR is ready to compromise and bear additional expenses. For example, to hold matches on neutral sites if necessary", — the FHR official website quotes the words of Sergey Shishkarev. 
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