Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA beat HC Chekhovskie Medvedi in the second match of the final series and became the champion of Russia for the second time in a row

19 May 2024
The final series of the men’s Super League finished.
HC CSKA managed to beat HC Chekhovskie Medvedi in away match and became the winners in the series with a score of 2:0.
The capital team became the champion of Russia for the second consecutive time.
19 May
Finals. The second match
Chekhovskie medvedi — CSKA — 27:30 (14:15) (Dzemin — 8, K.Kotov — 5; Hiryk — 8, Sadovskiy, Shishkarev — 6 each)
The score in the series — 0:2
The second match for the 7th place
Dinamo-Sungul — Dinamo — 30:30 (15:14) (Krivich — 7, Kutepov — 6; Shelestyukov — 9)
The first match — 28:28
Photo: HC CSKA press 


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