Olimpbet Super League. HC Chekhovskie medvedi solely headed the tournament standings after the home victory over HC Dinamo-Sungul

17:31, 17 September 2023
One match was held in the men’s championship of Russia today.
HC Chekhovskie medvedi coped with HC Dinamo-Sungul and achieved a second consecutive victory. The hosts’ left back Dmitriy Santalov, who returned to the court after a serious injury of a knee, was marked by one exact throw.  
17 September
Chekhovskie medvedi — Dinamo-Sungul — 36:29 (18:16) (Kornev — 7, A.Ekmakov — 6, A.Kotov — 5; S.Ermakov — 5, Savelov, Pavelyev — 4 each)
Tournament standings. 1. Chekhovskie medvedi — 4 points (2 matches). 2. Victor — 2 (2). 3. Zenit — 2 (1). 4. Permskie medvedi — 2 (1). 5. CSKA — 2 (1). 6. SKIF — 2 (1). 7. Dinamo-Sungul — 2 (2). 8. Dinamo — 0 (1). 9. Skif — 0 (1). 10. Kaustik — 0 (1). 11. Akbuzat — 0 (1). 12. SGAU-Saratov — 0 (2).
Photo: HC Chekhovskie medvedi press   


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