Olimpbet Super League. 19-year-old Anastasia Kazmenko from HC Rostov-Don is the best goalkeeper of the season. Yulia Poylova and Polina Kaplina are in top-3

12:40, 5 June 2023
Women’s championship of Russia finished with the victory of HC CSKA.
19-year-old Anastasia Kazmenko from HC Rostov-Don became the best goalkeeper of the tournament (15+ balls) by percentage of reflections. Moreover, Anastasia became the second goalkeeper in the ranking of youth championship goalkeepers of this season.
Yulia Poylova from HC Universitet and Polina Kaplina from HC CSKA are in top-3. The goalkeeper from Izhevsk team made most of all saves — 368.
Rating of the Super League-2022/23 goalkeepers (15+ matches):
Anastasia Kazmenko (Rostov-Don) — 38,3% of reliability (218 saves / 569 throws)
Yulia Poylova (Universitet) — 34,9% (368/1053)
Polina Kaplina (CSKA) — 33,6% (193/575)
Anna Vershchak (Dinamo-Sinara) — 33,6 (200/596)
Valeria Vasilenko (CSKA) — 33,2% (113/340)
Valentina Voytulevich (Lada) — 33,1% (192/580)
More than 200 saves were made by Veronika Chipula (Luch) — 307, Yulia Kuntsevich (Lada) — 295, Elena Nikolaeva (Kuban) — 285, Anastasia Ryabtseva (Astrakhanochka) — 254, Regina Yakupova (AGU-Adyif) — 223, Kira Trusova (CSKA) — 219.
Photo: HC Rostov-Don press 


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