Olimpbet Super League. HC Rostov-Don won silver medals of the national championship for the 8th time and caught up with HC Lada Togliatti

17:10, 4 June 2023
HC Rostov-Don ceded to HC CSKA in the third final match of the Super League and became the second in the championship of Russia. 
This defeat in the final series of the Super League became the 6th for the team from Rostov-on-Don. HC Rostov-Don won silver medals for the 8th time.
As per amount of the silver medals, HC Rostov-Don caught up with HC Lada Togliatti, HC Dinamo-Sinara became the second 5 times, HC Kuban — 4 times, HC Zvezda — 3 times.
HC Rostov-Don has 24 medals of the national championship in total (7-8-9).
Photo: HC Rostov-Don press  
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