Olimpbet Super League. HC CSKA won the fifth title. Only clubs Rostov-Don, Dinamo-Sinara, Lada and Zvezda won more trophies in Russian history

16:40, 4 June 2023
HC CSKA got the fifth title after victory in the third final match of the championship of Russia.
Earlier the capital club won in the national championship in 2021, got the Cup of Russia in 2022 and 2023 and became the owner of the Super Cup of Russia in 2022.
Only four Russian clubs have more trophies. HC Rostov-Don won 25 times in Russian competitions, HC Dinamo-Sinara Volgograd — 12 times, HC Lada Togliatti — 7 times, HC Zvezda Zvenigorod — 6 times. 
As per the titles of the national championship HC CSKA outpaced HC Zvezda and HC Astrakhanochka, caught up with HC Istochnik Rostov-on-Don and cedes to HC Rostov-Don (7 victories), HC Lada (6) and HC Dinamo-Sinara (12).
Photo: HC CSKA press  


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