Olimpbet Super League. Chekhovskie medvedi lost to CSKA in a home match. Daniil Shishkarev realized the decisive penalty shot at the last second

17:33, 15 April 2023
The only match of the game day in the men’s Super League finished.
HC Chekhovskie medvedi ceded to HC CSKA at home in the final match of the preliminary stage for the both teams. The decisive goal was scored from the penalty shot at the last second by ex-wing of HC Chekhovskie medvedi Daniil Shishkarev.  
The goalkeeper of the CSKA team Dmitriy Kuznetsov reflected 40% of throws.
15 April
Chekhovskie medvedi — CSKA — 30:31 (16:14) (K.Kotov — 7, A.Kotov — 6; Kiselev — 8, Ivanov, Rud — 5 each)
Tournament standings. 1. Chekhovskie medvedi — 34 points (20 matches). 2. Victor — 32 (20). 3. Permskie medvedi — 31 (20). 4. CSKA — 29 (20). 5. Zenit — 20 (19). 6. SKIF — 18 (20). 7. Dinamo — 17 (19). 8. SGAU-Saratov — 14 (20). 9. Dinamo-Sungul — 10 (19). 10. Skif — 6 (19). 11. Akbuzat — 5 (20). 12. Donskie kazaki-UFU — 0 (0).
Photo: HC CSKA press 


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