Olimpbet Super League. In the only match of the day HC Chekhovskie medvedi beat HC Akbuzat at home. Pavlenko and Grushko reflected more than half of throws

17:30, 12 February 2023
The only match of the game day in the men’s Super League finished.
HC Chekhovskie medvedi had no complications in the meeting with HC Akbuzat. The goalkeepers of the hosts Dmitriy Pavlenko and Artem Grushko reflected 50% and 58% of throws respectively.
12 February
Chekhovskie medvedi — Akbuzat — 32:22 (18:9) (A.Kotov — 6, Dzemin — 5, Naumuk — 5)
Tournament standings. 1. Chekhovskie medvedi — 26 points (15 matches). 2. Victor — 22 (14). 3. CSKA — 22 (14). 4. Permskie medvedi — 20 (13). 5. Zenit — 14 (14). 6. SGAU-Saratov — 14 (13). 7. SKIF — 13 (14). 8. Dinamo-Sungul — 8 (14). 9. Dinamo — 7 (13). 10. Akbuzat — 4 (15). 11. Skif — 2 (13). 12. Donskie kazaki-UFU — 0 (0).
Photo: HC Chekhovskie medvedi press 
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